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— Andres Sepulveda, AAS-SW NWM


Athens, Georgia

Written by: Harrison S. Leigh, RCON 3-4 Commander

RCON at the University of Georgia on October 25-27th was a great success! Friday, the 25th , started with all squadron and chapter members checking into the hotel and then piling into Detachment 160 to listen to some exciting briefings about experiences and leadership of current active duty and reserve airman. We finished the night with some team games, fresh grilled burgers, and snacks. The next day started bright and early with the presentation of colors and moving into squadron and chapter briefings. We all took lunch around noon and walked around the scenic downtown Athens. Lastly, we regrouped and finished the exciting briefings and resolutions we have for the new year ahead of us.

After a few hours of break, everyone met for the banquet with our special guest Major General Holt! With POW/MIA table presented, we enjoyed a great meal provided by the Holiday Inn. The dinner finished with a very inspirational speech given by Major General Holt about the importance of the mindset of leadership and disciplined thinking. Cadet Leigh presented Major General Holt., a Detachment 160 Graduate, with a football signed by the beloved UGA football coach! The next day, everyone headed back to their respective detachments after a successful RCON.


Starkville, Mississippi

On October 25th to the 27th, Arnold Air Society and Silver Wings Region V held the annual Region Conclave in Starkville, Mississippi hosted by the Kenneth J. Snedden Chapter and Squadron. StarkVegasCON had many highlights to include a Halloween Party and multiple guest speakers. Congrats to Avery Moore on being elected Region V President for 2020 – 2021!

Colonel Samantha Weeks, Commander of the 14th Flying Training Wing, delivered a speech on leadership. The key point from Colonel Weeks’ speech was “A good leader solves problems, a great leader predicts them, an excellent leader prevents them.” The keynote speaker for the evening’s banquet was Chief Master Sergeant (retired) Gerald Murray, Air Force Association Chairman of the Board and 14th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. Our festivities ended with the traditional gifting of a customized cowbell for Chief Murray. Overall the RCON was a huge success, and many thanks to all that attended!

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